
Archive for July, 2013


So, two weeks from today is my last day of work until August 19th (at the day job). I’m SO SO SO stoked and ready to go on vacation (squeee). We’ll be heading north for our annual camping trip in Fayette. Absolutely love it up there. And I’m so ready for the break. The day job has been killer/stressful lately.

On a side note, I’ve started a new YA contemp (woot-woot) tentatively labeling it HTU (yep, more codenames). It’s a summery type YA and I’m really excited to get rolling with it. I’ve written the first 2 chapters and have jotted down lots of notes for other scenes. Hoping to crank this one out pretty quick before I have to write book 2 for The Legend of Me etc.

Life in the Purdy house has been kind of crazy…we’ve been going to the soccer fields every week (well other than this week because of the heat), swimming, having bonfires—the usual summer stuff. But we’ve also had some other things come up. My son started driver’s training last week. He’s been doing really well. He got his temporary permit yesterday so that means he can drive with me and my hubby. Then he’ll have to take a test in the next couple of weeks to get his other permit. And of course, one of my kidlets had their first broken heart here in the last couple of weeks. So it’s been a little rough. Trying to get through the awkward stuff about them wanting to still be friends (as they started off as friends). So hope it works out!!!

Have so much stuff to do around the house/in preparation for our vacation. I’m already making about a million mental lists (LOL). We’re also out on sub right now with one of my other YA contemps (TRC). Needless to say I’m in a constant state of email checking (hehehe). Other than that, things are going good. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers—it’s been going by pretty quick.

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Hey, I hope everyone is enjoying their summers!!! We had a really quiet Fourth of July (mainly because my hubby was working and I had to work today–the 5th). And we only had 2 of our 6 kids at home (LOL).

I finished up my first round edits/revisions this week for The Legend of Me (yay). And they about killed me (GAH), still trying to mentally recover from overload.

So far this summer, I’ve gotten the chance to have a couple bonfires w/family and friends, swim in our pool, play badminton, and volleyball. I’ve also been taking a couple trips a week up to the soccer fields with Chase and Erin to keep them in shape over the summer.

Have some stuff out on submission again (fingers crossed).

Well, since we’re on the subject of summer, I decided to share a few songs that I’ve been listening to around the pool/outside while enjoying the sunshine. Hope you all have a FAB Holiday weekend.


Hot chelle Rae


Ross Lynch


One Direction


We the Kings


Taylor Swift

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