
Posts Tagged ‘family’

144So, I’ve been on vacation for the last couple of weeks. It’s been awesome having a break from the real world for a while. But unfortunately, all good things must come to end–tomorrow it’s back to work (ahhhh). It’s always so hard come back home. I love being in the wilderness and the slower pace of life. I love being able to fall asleep at night to the sound of waves crashing against the shore and waking up to that same sound. I love being able to just get up and walk like 50-60 feet to the beach. Eventually, we plan on moving up near where we vacation, but it’ll still be a little while before we do that.

















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Okay, so this was my first week back after a loooong vacation (LOL). It was SO hard coming back to the real world after spending almost two weeks in the wilderness. We did a lot of hiking, swimming, kayaking, campfires, and well, just having fun. It was nice to spend actual time with my family. During most of the year between my day job, hubby’s job, and the kids school/sports/music stuff,  we rarely see one another.

Right now, I’m waiting for my 2nd round edits to come through for Legend of Me. This one is supposed to release later fall early winter (so pretty soon). I’ve been making REALLY slow progress on a summer YA contemp. I managed to write a chapter on vacation (long hand, in the woods–LOL), but yeah, since coming home I haven’t had any time to focus on anything other than running for kidlets and day job stuff.

I hope you’ve all enjoyed your summer and continue to enjoy what’s left of it. And now, I leave you with a few pics from my vacation to the UP of Michigan. Lots of beautiful scenery up there…miles of beaches, woodland, and countryside.

Door Under the Cut River Bridge (yes it really says T. Troll). LOL






















Inlaws resting up…









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So, two weeks from today is my last day of work until August 19th (at the day job). I’m SO SO SO stoked and ready to go on vacation (squeee). We’ll be heading north for our annual camping trip in Fayette. Absolutely love it up there. And I’m so ready for the break. The day job has been killer/stressful lately.

On a side note, I’ve started a new YA contemp (woot-woot) tentatively labeling it HTU (yep, more codenames). It’s a summery type YA and I’m really excited to get rolling with it. I’ve written the first 2 chapters and have jotted down lots of notes for other scenes. Hoping to crank this one out pretty quick before I have to write book 2 for The Legend of Me etc.

Life in the Purdy house has been kind of crazy…we’ve been going to the soccer fields every week (well other than this week because of the heat), swimming, having bonfires—the usual summer stuff. But we’ve also had some other things come up. My son started driver’s training last week. He’s been doing really well. He got his temporary permit yesterday so that means he can drive with me and my hubby. Then he’ll have to take a test in the next couple of weeks to get his other permit. And of course, one of my kidlets had their first broken heart here in the last couple of weeks. So it’s been a little rough. Trying to get through the awkward stuff about them wanting to still be friends (as they started off as friends). So hope it works out!!!

Have so much stuff to do around the house/in preparation for our vacation. I’m already making about a million mental lists (LOL). We’re also out on sub right now with one of my other YA contemps (TRC). Needless to say I’m in a constant state of email checking (hehehe). Other than that, things are going good. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers—it’s been going by pretty quick.

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Hey, I hope everyone is enjoying their summers!!! We had a really quiet Fourth of July (mainly because my hubby was working and I had to work today–the 5th). And we only had 2 of our 6 kids at home (LOL).

I finished up my first round edits/revisions this week for The Legend of Me (yay). And they about killed me (GAH), still trying to mentally recover from overload.

So far this summer, I’ve gotten the chance to have a couple bonfires w/family and friends, swim in our pool, play badminton, and volleyball. I’ve also been taking a couple trips a week up to the soccer fields with Chase and Erin to keep them in shape over the summer.

Have some stuff out on submission again (fingers crossed).

Well, since we’re on the subject of summer, I decided to share a few songs that I’ve been listening to around the pool/outside while enjoying the sunshine. Hope you all have a FAB Holiday weekend.


Hot chelle Rae


Ross Lynch


One Direction


We the Kings


Taylor Swift

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LOL-okay, yeah, as you can see from the header, holy crap was it hard to come back from vacation this week. I kept thinking: ‘Just one more day.’

We had an absolute blast on our annual camping trip to the UP (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan. We did a lot of hiking, walking, swimming, campfires, driving…And yes, we did bathe in the lake (hehehe). We had awesome weather too. I still haven’t downloaded any pics from my camera yet.

It was nice to be able to step away from the real world for a while and actually hang out with my kids and hubby. We all get so busy with work, school, sports, and music events that it seems like we don’t really get to see each other that much during a regular week/day.

I didn’t do any writing while I was gone–but figure next week I’ll be diving back in full swing. Have to start cranking out book 2 in my Winter People series. Also VERY excited about a YA contemporary story I want to write.

Waiting to hear back on a couple projects right now (so hard to wait–chews off nails).

This weekend we’ll be hanging out at the Danish Festival Parade here in Greenville. My daughter will be marching in the parade for band (woot-woot). Will definitely take some pics and do some cat calls (have to let her know we’re there–LOL).

Oh and while we were gone we also looked at some vacation homes in the UP. I think we have our list narrowed down to like 5-6 now (LOL). Not sure how we’ll decide. But I’m super excited that we might be getting a place up there. We absolutely LOVE it up there.

I hope everyone is enjoying what’s left of their summers. Boy has it flown by (especially my vacation). Hopefully I’ll be able to start posting more frequently now, well, at least until edits for Winter People come my way.

Until then HAPPYFRIDAY and take care.

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First of all, I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS! I’m not sure if I’ll get out here again before the holidays are in full force. Hope you all have fun ((HUGS)).

Phew! Here it is, my last day of work (at the day job) until after the New Year (oh yeah). I’m really excited to have some time off. My plan? Well, to hang out with my family, play some video games, watch movies, read books, and maybe do a few “small” edits on TLOM (we’ll see though).

And for once, I have ALL my Christmas shopping done and the gifts are ALL wrapped (LOL). So, I actually get to chill. I’m SO looking forward to spending time with my kids/hubby. I’m already making a list of video games we can play (Skyrim is at the top, I’ve been waiting all week to play it—ahhh), as well as board games, and I have a ½ finished puzzle I REALLY want to get done.

It’ll be nice not to have to make the long commute and just stay home. Some years we take trips in December (like to Florida/Disney etc), but this year we’re all going to be home.

December 24th I’ll watch A Christmas Story (like I do every year). The 25th will be a blast as all my kids are home. Devin and Kris are home from GVSU, and Alyssa got in last Friday from Roosevelt University. The younger kids haven’t left (LOL), and my sister, 2 nephews, and niece, will be there with us. And hopefully, my dad will be back in off the road by then.

The following weekend (New Year’s Eve) will be my side of the family’s Christmas/New Year get together and my brother and his wife will be coming up with their 3 kids, and my sister will be there with her kids etc. We normally play board games, eat LOTS of food, and goof off (um—yeah can you say Nerf Gun Wars?).  Then we watch the ball drop. Usually, there is a prank call or two (MOM). LOL. But yeah, lots of fun.

As you can see, most of the stuff planned revolves around my LOVELY family. I can’t say enough about how awesome my family is.

So, until the New Year (unless of course I get some awesome news to share before then). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (or whatever holidays you may celebrate, I hope they’re perfect).

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Phew, I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving (or at least it is tomorrow). I’ve got so many things to be thankful for. A loving/supportive family, my FAB crit group, my agent, so many blessings have made this year awesome.  We’ve also had some family crisis this year, but thanks to God we’ve managed to make it through them all—a little stronger at that.

Tomorrow we’ll be making a couple hour car trip down to my brother’s for Thanksgiving.  And keeping with tradition, we’ll have the game on. What game you ask? OMG, are you serious? LOL. Okay, so I’m a SUPER LIONS FAN.  I’m SO excited for the Lions game (squee). I’m hoping we give the Packers their first loss of the season! The family is already geared up for turkey and football (oh yeah)….yes, we’ll be eating and yelling and cheering (trying not to dump mashed potatoes all over the place).

Basically, I’ll get all dressed up in my Suh Jersey (classy, I know). LOL. But got to show the team spirit.

Usually we host Thanksgiving, so it’s kind of nice not to have to cook this year (we’re hosting Christmas instead).  I also have a couple of days off of work (the day job), so I’m hoping to put in some time with edits/applying crits on TLOM (I’m like a 3rd of the way through it).  Would like to have to Agent Lady by end of December.

And, I have to say I’m going through some withdrawals.  Um, yeah, have you NOT noticed the absence of The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle (ahhhh). I’m like a TV show addict. When I’m not watching, I’m wondering what everyone’s doing or what the heck is going to happen when the shows come back. I mean, come on Damon HAS to kiss Elena already.  And whoa, are Adam and Cassie going to EVER get a chance to have a romantic moment? What about Jake (who even though he’s bad is kinda good—hehehe)?

Well, peeps, I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!!!!


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