
Posts Tagged ‘The Summer Marked’

Happy Book Release Day AND CONTEST! The Winter’s Spite is out TODAY!!! OMG! This is the 3rd and final book in the Winter People Series. I’m also running a contest for a $30.00 Amazon Gift Card, which you can enter here: <a class=”rcptr” href=”http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/dbee40f62/&#8221; rel=”nofollow” data-raflid=”dbee40f62″ data-theme=”classic” data-template=”” id=”rcwidget_nnkxk6i8″>a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
Links to buy (which I’ll be updating as more go live):
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BLURB for The Winter’s Spite:
On the eve of the winter solstice, Salome receives word of a family tragedy in the human world, and an urgent request to return home. But after a failed attack on Winter, and the whereabouts of the Winter Court unknown, Nevin forbids her to go, declaring it too dangerous. However, Salome knows she needs to be with her family and can’t sit by to wait for the inevitable.
Gwenn has been a royal guard most of her life, and although she’s not a fan of humans, she has to admit Salome’s growing on her. So when Salome begs her to cover for her for a few days so she can be with her family, Gwenn can’t refuse. Gwenn soon finds herself creating diversions to keep Nevin from discovering Salome’s disappearance. Problem is the Council is growing suspicious of Salome’s absence, and has started making threats about Nevin’s removal as king. With her lie on the brink of discovery, Gwenn needs to find out what’s taking her brother and Salome so long to return. When she discovers the portals are closed, and someone within the Council has betrayed Summer, Gwenn knows the kingdom’s in jeopardy. But before she can confide in Nevin about helping Salome leave Faerie, Gwenn finds herself at the enemy’s mercy, fighting for her life.
When Salome arrives in the human world, she finds everything in chaos. Grisselle, the Winter Queen, has done the impossible and brought war to Salome’s world. And Kadie is acting as her right hand. Monsters born of man’s worst nightmares roam the streets—dark faeries and ghosts bring terror and destruction. And to her horror she discovers an old enemy is back from the dead, while a new one lurks in the shadows—watching her, hunting her—preparing to make its move. And this time they mean to finish what they started.

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Ummmm…so The Winter’s Spite Paperback “kinda” released early AHHHH (like 12 days early). The ebook is up for preorder on a couple of sites as well. The official ebook release is June 27, 2016 (which is when the paperback was also supposed to release). But anyway, here are some of the links. B & N won’t show until probably the actual release date. And Kobo should be anytime now (either today or this weekend). Will add more links as the book goes up!

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Paperback links:

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Okay, so before Christmas I hinted on a couple social media sites that I might have some NOT SO GOOD NEWS. *sigh* So two weeks before Christmas my agent and I received an email that my publisher has decided not to publish the 3rd and final Winter People book. Not gonna lie, I bawled my head off and ranted and bawled some more, then began to doubt myself as a writer. Every emotion you can go through, I went through in that short span of time. My lovely agent called me on a Sunday so she could comfort me and decide what our next step should be (which if you must know, Agent Fran is FREAKING AWESOME).

2015 was the year from hell for me. I had 2 family emergencies (one involving my teen daughter), a missed deadline, 2 books being pulled from my publisher, a couple book releases moved…etc. So needless to say, I’m ready to make 2016 better.

But I wander off subject here (LOL—it’s the writer in me). So anyway, after letting the whole thing sink in and coming to terms with it, I realized this might be a blessing in disguise. I STILL PLAN TO FINISH THE WINTER PEOPLE SERIES. However, I will be self-publishing the last book. I’ve never self-pubbed before so I’m super nervous and scared, but I’ve found a brilliant cover artist, and I have some lovely author friends who will be holding my hand through the process. So I repeat, I will finish out the Winter People series.

The positive things about me self-publishing the final book in the series is 1) I’ll have more control over the pricing (yay). 2) I’ll be able to stick with my vision for the book series/ending. 3) I’ll also be able to choose the release date (woot-woot)…And, I won’t be under a ton of stress with a strict editing schedule.

I’ve had numerous emails and messages from readers lately and I tell you, they came at such a perfect time for me. It was a couple days after getting the news that I received an awesome email from a reader about how much she loved my book series and she wanted to do an art project relating to it. So thank you for that and thank you all for reading my books and your support. My readers ARE EVERYTHING to me. I seriously love you all 🙂

So I’m finishing this series off for you (and for me). I couldn’t leave us with a cliff hanger, or wait to see if we could place it with another publisher as I knew if it got picked up it could mean another couple years for a release date. So, again, I’ll be self-pubbing the 3rd Winter People book.

And to give you a “small” teaser it will be entitled: The Winter’s Spite.

Also, I’ll be doing a cover reveal somewhere around the end of January 2016 or beginning of February 2016, so if you’d like to be a part of that, please drop me a line (on any of my social media sites or via email).

Oh, and for those of you who don’t follow my FB page or my twitter feed, I announced a new book deal for a YA Contemporary entitled: French Fries, Football, and My Freshman Year, which will be published by Swoon Romance in 2016 (eep).

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Hey lovelies,

So I’ve been invited to hangout at the Bitten By Books blog this Thursday starting at 12:00 pm Pacific time (3:00 pm EST time). I’ll be answering questions about my The Summer Marked (or any of my books) and taking any other questions you have.

If you RSVP ahead of time you will be given 25 entries automatically to go toward your chance to win a $30.00 Amazon Gift Card (which is opened internationally) WOOT.

You can register ahead of time here:  http://bittenbybooks.com/author-rebekah-l-purdy-interview-and-30-00-amazon-gift-card-contest-101-rsvp-here/

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OMG, I can’t believe it’s finally here. The Summer Marked is officially out today!!!! This is the 2nd book in The Winter People Series…


Fresh off a break-up with her boyfriend, Kadie’s glad to be home from college for Thanksgiving. All she needs is a  rebound guy, a box of chocolates, and some girl time with her best friend, Salome. Problem is, Salome isn’t returning her calls, and her family won’t say where she is. Feeling sorry for herself, Kadie ends up at Club Blade, a place filled with pumping music, dangerous  guys, and promises of a good time. However, when midnight strikes, Kadie’s fun turns into a nightmare as she’s ripped from the human world into Faerie by a vengeful Winter Prince named Etienne. For the first time in her life, she realizes the monsters Salome always spoke of are real, and they’ll stop at nothing to destroy her friend.

Salome thought the winter curse was behind her. But winter has left its mark. Not just on her, but on the whole summer court. The Kingdom of Summer is falling apart, and Nevin is hanging onto his throne by a thread. With war on his doorstep,  he has no choice but to send Gareth into enemy territory, which means Salome will be left alone—vulnerable in a world she doesn’t understand. A place where beauty is deadly and humans are pawns in the macabre games the Fae play. Both Kadie and Salome will have to call on all their strength to survive in  a  world where humans aren’t meant to be. With death and enemies all around them, it’ll be a miracle if they can survive.

Buy link:  http://www.entangledpublishing.com/the-summer-marked/

Also you can enter to win a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card: http://www.aroundtheworldinbooks.ca/2015/09/release-day-blitz-summer-marked.html?utm_content=bufferd2ab7&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

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SQUEEEE…. So my publisher has made me a book trailer for The Summer Marked (Winter People book 2). And I LOVE it. Seriously the music is awesome and I love the visuals!

So, here it is:

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Hey my lovelies,
I hope everyone has been having a FAB summer. Mine has been speeding by…the kidlets have been busy with band camp and soccer stuff and college application stuff and my step daughter got engaged (SQUEEEE)! Lots to celebrate!

On the book front I’m in the midst of starting the 3rd and final Winter People book. I have lots of cool stuff planned to give it a proper “sendoff” / ending (LOL). I’ve outlined a good portion of it, but will also be working on Legend of Me edits over the next 1-2 months as well. YEP YOU HEARD RIGHT!! Legend of Me WILL see the light of day hopefully in the next 6-12 months (I know still a wait). My new editor and I talked a little bit about some things with the book and I’m really happy with our ideas. So the fun part is to come (the rewriting/editing).

Oh and before I forget, in less than two weeks The Winter People ebook will be going on a sale (BIG SALE)—LOL…and I’ll be running some contests during that time, so make sure to check back in with me during the next few weeks for announcements. Also, we have about 1 month until the release of The Summer Marked (Winter People bk 2) and I’m SO SO SO excited to have everyone read it. I poured everything into this book and hope you all love it as much as I do. There are more horror elements in this book and new characters that I’m excited for everyone to meet.

And don’t forget that there is still a Goodreads Giveaway going on for The Summer Marked. My publisher has 2 hard cover copies up for grabs…: Enter here: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/151068-the-summer-marked

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Hey lovelies,

My publisher (Entangled Teen) is running a giveaway over on Goodreads for a chance to win 1 of 2 copies of The Summer Marked (book 2 in the Winter People series).

Here’s the link for signups:  https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/151068-the-summer-marked-the-winter-people-2

Only 1 month and 9 days until this book releases (SQUEEEE). So can’t wait for everyone to read it:


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Okay my lovelies, I wanted to keep you updated on the writing front. My book The Summer Marked (2nd book in the Winter People series) has been pushed back a month to September 22, 2015. There are many reasons for this move. But one of them is that I had a family emergency earlier this year with one of my kidlets. And this happened the same day/night I got edits for The Summer Marked and was in the midst of edits on Daisy and the Front Man. Unfortunately, emergencies don’t take book deadlines into consideration when they happen.

I’d taken a couple weeks off of work to try and be at home and take care of my child. And due to the stress and things we were going through, my book/edits had to go on the back burner a couple different times. In order to make sure that I put out the best book possible, and not try to just rush through everything, my publisher and I thought it best to move the book out a month.

While things are getting better for our family we still have our up and down days. But we’re praying the worst of it is behind us. All I can say is that mental illness is NO joke and you can’t imagine all the up and down days that come along with it.

Just want to thank all my readers for their continued excitement for my books–I apologize that this one will be a month later than first planned, but hopefully you understand. Thanks so much and can’t wait to chat with everyone about The Summer Marked. Oh, and Daisy and the Front Man will still release on schedule (June 16, 2015).


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You guys I’m SO SO SO excited to share my book cover for Summer Marked, book 2 in The Winter People series. I absolutely LOVE the cover and how it ties into the first one.

The Summer Marked by Rebekah Purdy


The sequel to the chilling Winter People returns to the world of Faerie, and is a romantic and enchanting follow-up.

Fresh off a break-up with her boyfriend, Kadie’s glad to be home from college for Thanksgiving. All she needs is a rebound guy, a box of chocolates, and some girl time with her best friend, Salome. Problem is, Salome isn’t returning her calls, and her family won’t say where she is. Feeling sorry for herself, Kadie ends up at Club Blade, a place filled with pumping music, dangerous guys, and promises of a good time. However, when midnight strikes, Kadie’s fun turns into a nightmare as she’s ripped from the human world into Faerie by a vengeful Winter Prince named Etienne. For the first time in her life, she realizes the monsters Salome always spoke of are real, and they’ll stop at nothing to destroy her friend.

Salome thought the winter curse was behind her. But winter has left its mark. Not just on her, but on the whole summer court. The Kingdom of Summer is falling apart, and Nevin is hanging onto his throne by a thread. With war on his doorstep, he has no choice but to send Gareth into enemy territory, which means Salome will be left alone—vulnerable in a world she doesn’t understand. A place where beauty is deadly and humans are pawns in the macabre games the Fae play. Both Kadie and Salome will have to call on all their strength to survive in a world where humans aren’t meant to be. With death and enemies all around them, it’ll be a miracle if they can survive.

Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23014840-summer-marked
Buy links: http://www.entangledpublishing.com/summer-marked/

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RebekahLPurdy
Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rebekahlpurdyauthor

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