
Posts Tagged ‘Kids’

LOL-okay, yeah, as you can see from the header, holy crap was it hard to come back from vacation this week. I kept thinking: ‘Just one more day.’

We had an absolute blast on our annual camping trip to the UP (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan. We did a lot of hiking, walking, swimming, campfires, driving…And yes, we did bathe in the lake (hehehe). We had awesome weather too. I still haven’t downloaded any pics from my camera yet.

It was nice to be able to step away from the real world for a while and actually hang out with my kids and hubby. We all get so busy with work, school, sports, and music events that it seems like we don’t really get to see each other that much during a regular week/day.

I didn’t do any writing while I was gone–but figure next week I’ll be diving back in full swing. Have to start cranking out book 2 in my Winter People series. Also VERY excited about a YA contemporary story I want to write.

Waiting to hear back on a couple projects right now (so hard to wait–chews off nails).

This weekend we’ll be hanging out at the Danish Festival Parade here in Greenville. My daughter will be marching in the parade for band (woot-woot). Will definitely take some pics and do some cat calls (have to let her know we’re there–LOL).

Oh and while we were gone we also looked at some vacation homes in the UP. I think we have our list narrowed down to like 5-6 now (LOL). Not sure how we’ll decide. But I’m super excited that we might be getting a place up there. We absolutely LOVE it up there.

I hope everyone is enjoying what’s left of their summers. Boy has it flown by (especially my vacation). Hopefully I’ll be able to start posting more frequently now, well, at least until edits for Winter People come my way.

Until then HAPPYFRIDAY and take care.

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Why hello there June! The last couple of weeks have been manic/frantic in the Purdy household. We had end of year concerts for band, choir, and orchestra (for my kidlets of course). We had award ceremonies galore this week: as in I sat through 7 hours of them (hehehe). But I LOVED watching my kids get recognized for their academic, fitness, music etc.

Today was also their last day of school for the summer. My youngest is done with elementary and will be moving up to middle school with his sister. Then my other son had his last day of middle school and will be in high school next year (OMG, I FEEL SO OLD).

We are at the tail end of the soccer season. This weekend my daughter’s team will be playing in the tournament. Their first game is Friday night, then they’ll have two more on Saturday. If they win those, they’ll play again Sunday. Phew. LOTS of running. And of course it’s going to be SO hot/humid. Already planning a list of “must have” items. Cooler, ice, water, Gatorade, food, sunscreen, hats, umbrella, chairs…

I’ve been hard at work on BK 2 for The Winter People. I’m only a couple of chapters in so far, but have been jotting down notes. Really excited to be back in this world again. The first book doesn’t come out until 2013 (late), so I’ve got a little bit of time yet before I need to have this ready, but I SO need to get cracking on getting the word count down.

Definitely glad to be writing though, the month long break did me some good.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the day. Tomorrow is FRIDAY (woot-woot). So can’t wait. Only working ½ the day.

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And here it is, Monday. AHHHHH! Is February seriously almost over with? LOL—I haven’t gotten nearly the things I wanted accomplished done this month. I started TP (which is a good thing) and my research for My Dad’s book 2 is underway. Although, I have to admit, the research is only making me want to return to Ireland (sigh).

That being said, my hubby keeps telling me that if I want to buy some vacation property (that we’ve been eyeballing for the last year or so), I’ll have to forego any big trips (sniffle). So we’ll see.

I should be getting galleys for TFGF pretty soon (squeee). So can’t wait. It’s almost go time for The Fairy Godmother Files: Cinderella Complex. Once I get the “approved” blurb, I’ll get it posted. I have a version of it, but I’m not sure if there will be any changes to it.

I signed more bookmarks over the weekend to send down to Spring Fling (in Chicago) along with some book cover trading cards.  So now, I have 2 packages I need to mail. Must. Get. To. Post. Office.

The kidlets have been keeping me busy (ahh). Erin and Barrett are both 1st chairs for their instruments (woot-woot). And in the next month or so, Chase will be picking out what he wants to play in middle school. So fun! Not to mention, only a couple more weeks before spring soccer gets underway, which reminds me, my son needs new cleats.

And as always, still waiting to hear back on some things (see, and here you thought you’d get out of hearing that from me this time). Smiles.

Hope everyone has a great Monday (or at least try to).

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Will you look at that? It’s FRIDAY! SWEEEEEET Friday. As you can tell, I’m ready for the weekend. Been a crazy busy week (aren’t they always—LOL).

This weekend basketball season is finishing up for my daughter. She’s had an AWESOME season. Last game they beat one of the hardest teams in the league and she had 16 points and several steals. Also this week, my youngest had to get glasses (gets that from his dad—hehehe). And the three youngest all made honor roll at school (oh yeah).

On the writing front, all is quiet. Actually, next week I’ll be diving into my next two stories. One is a YA Fantasy, which I will call TP (I promise that’s NOT short for toilet paper—snickers) and the other is a YA Paranormal Romance (book 2 to My Dad’s a Paranormal Investigator). I’m VERY eager to get back to it. I haven’t written anything in FOREVER. My creative mind is bursting.

I finished reading Passion by Lauren Kate. It was pretty good. Liked seeing the different versions of Daniel/Luce through history. Can’t wait to read the last book. I’m actually reading my own book: My Dad’s a Paranormal Investigator: Seeking Shapeshifters right now to get myself back into the storyline/characters to write the 2nd one. It’s kind of strange reading the paperback (LOL).

Oh, and I ordered trading cards/bookmarks for The Fairy Godmother Files: Cinderella complex. I already got the trading cards in and they turned out really nice. I got the bookmarks designed and I think they’re so cute. So can’t wait to unleash them on the world (stay tuned because in the next couple of months I’ll be giving away some loot).

OMG, did you guys see The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle last night? TVD was AWESOME. I can’t really talk about it yet because some of my friends haven’t watched the episode yet and told me not to tell them what happened (hehehe). But I will say Mr. Damon Salvatore (Ian) looks mighty fine in a tux. I have to watch The Secret Circle tonight as I was designing bookmarks with my sister last night and had to DVR it. But the previews looked SO good.

Now, I’m in count down mode for The Hunger Games Movie. I’m SO VERY FREAKING EXCITED for it.

And I have to give a HUGE shout out to my crit partner Vanessa who landed herself a literary agent this last week! So proud of her!!!

I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEKEND! I plan to watch basketball, catch up on tv shows and just chill. Plus it’ll be snowy and I don’t want to go anywhere (hehehe).

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First of all, I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS! I’m not sure if I’ll get out here again before the holidays are in full force. Hope you all have fun ((HUGS)).

Phew! Here it is, my last day of work (at the day job) until after the New Year (oh yeah). I’m really excited to have some time off. My plan? Well, to hang out with my family, play some video games, watch movies, read books, and maybe do a few “small” edits on TLOM (we’ll see though).

And for once, I have ALL my Christmas shopping done and the gifts are ALL wrapped (LOL). So, I actually get to chill. I’m SO looking forward to spending time with my kids/hubby. I’m already making a list of video games we can play (Skyrim is at the top, I’ve been waiting all week to play it—ahhh), as well as board games, and I have a ½ finished puzzle I REALLY want to get done.

It’ll be nice not to have to make the long commute and just stay home. Some years we take trips in December (like to Florida/Disney etc), but this year we’re all going to be home.

December 24th I’ll watch A Christmas Story (like I do every year). The 25th will be a blast as all my kids are home. Devin and Kris are home from GVSU, and Alyssa got in last Friday from Roosevelt University. The younger kids haven’t left (LOL), and my sister, 2 nephews, and niece, will be there with us. And hopefully, my dad will be back in off the road by then.

The following weekend (New Year’s Eve) will be my side of the family’s Christmas/New Year get together and my brother and his wife will be coming up with their 3 kids, and my sister will be there with her kids etc. We normally play board games, eat LOTS of food, and goof off (um—yeah can you say Nerf Gun Wars?).  Then we watch the ball drop. Usually, there is a prank call or two (MOM). LOL. But yeah, lots of fun.

As you can see, most of the stuff planned revolves around my LOVELY family. I can’t say enough about how awesome my family is.

So, until the New Year (unless of course I get some awesome news to share before then). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (or whatever holidays you may celebrate, I hope they’re perfect).

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Ah, can I just say that I’m SO happy it’s Friday? This week has been filled with non-stop running.  We’re in full fall sports mode with Football and Soccer and the kids have practice like almost every night (but Friday—woohoo). LOL.


Tomorrow we have an out of town football game for my son Chase and we have to be there at 8:45 am.  OMG.  It’s going to be COLD in the morning.  As in I better get some hot cocoa to soak my hands in.  Then we get to go home for a little while and then we’ll head into town for my daughter Erin’s 2:00 pm soccer game. 


In other news in case you’ve been hiding in a cave, VAMPIRE DIARIES IS BACK…OH YEAH.  And Ian Somerhalder is still mega hot. Le sigh.  Last night’s episode was really good. Not only did Elena turn 18 and get to see a very nekkid Damon with water and bubbles glistening on his holy-hella-chest, but we got to see “evil” Stephan in action.


As always, the episode had a fast pace and I so can’t wait until next week.  And guess what else was on last night? Come on, guess?  SECRET CIRCLE…DOUBLE OMG…SQUEEEEEEEEEEE.


Phew, okay, now that I’ve settled down enough.  As some of you know, The Secret Circle was my ABSOLUTE favorite series when I was a teen.  I mean, I reread it every year, that’s how much I love it.  Now, I know the TV show doesn’t follow the books, but let me say, I think I’m going to have another favorite show to watch (hehehe).


Britt Robertson is the perfect Cassie, and while I had my doubts about Thomas Dekker being Adam, he quickly blew me away in last night’s episode.  So did the rest of the cast.  The first show was fast-paced with awesome characters.  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it, but OMG, there is some Cassie/Adam chemistry going on.  I do hope that they’ll explore the Nick angle as well (like they did in the books). 


In yucky news, I was bummed to find out that The Nine Lives of Chloe King got cancelled by ABC Family.  Say what?  GRRRR…finally, a show I could actually watch with my 6th grade daughter and my 7th grade niece that didn’t have tons of sex etc in it and they take it off the air.  My daughter will be devastated because she LOVED that show.  However, I think I’ll let her watchSecret Circle (well at least the first episode).  And I’ll have to buy her the Chloe King book series so she can at least figure out what happens to everyone.


I’m still diligently working on my YA Fantasy Horror.  I’m about ½ done with it and the next chapter is going to be a VERY pivotal one.  Can’t wait to write it and I hope the plot twist surprises my crit partners (LOL).  Need to get my butt in gear and put in some writing time though.


In my TBR pile (or currently reading pile):  Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles (really loving it so far), Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles, Elixir by Hilary Duff, Balefire by Cate Tiernan, and Awakening by P.C. and Kristin Cast.  Oh and I should be getting the ARC for A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies in the mail pretty soon (ooh so can’t wait).


Hope everyone has a FAB weekend!

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