
Posts Tagged ‘Damon Salvatore’

It has been a quite the week (geesh). Between snow storms and craziness at the day job (ahh), I’m so ready for the weekend. There’s another round of snow coming in this afternoon/tonight so it’ll be another lovely commute home.

Tomorrow (weather pending) we’ll have my daughter’s basketball game. So hoping it’s a good one. Last week was a little rough as 2 girls got injured, 1 girl was sick and didn’t show, and another dropped off the team. So yeah, they were a little short. Erin had all but one of the baskets for the team (woohoo). She was amazing on defense (lots of steals), but yeah, they lost by 6 points.

And ZOMG, Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle were flipping AWESOME last night. Seriously LOVING these shows. Thursday is like my favorite TV night (well, I also like Wednesday (Ghost Hunters) and Sunday (Once Upon a Time) too-hehe). Hmmm…on the VD front methinks Stefan might be starting to show signs of caring for Elena again (much to my dismay—LOL). I so LOVE Damon and want him and Elena to be together. And I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with Alaric and the Dr. There’s something up with her. So don’t trust her. Definitely some interesting turn of events (Bonnie’s mom). HOLY CRAP, I didn’t see the Elijah thing coming, great plot twist.  So much going on. Can’t wait until next week.

Oh, and on the Secret Circle, I love me some Jake. He and Cassie have a GREAT connection. I’m anxious to see how it’s played out. And I can’t wait to see more on Cassie’s dad. And of course, I know there will be some major craziness coming especially if Faye gets hooked on this drug. I really liked seeing a little bit of the past and seeing that softer side to Jake last night. Still like Adam, but want to see Cassie and Jake have a moment or two. I’m wondering how long Diana will stick with “just being friends” with Adam. I have a feeling they’ll hook back up for a little bit. Still hoping they have Adam go look for the Master Tools. But we’ll see.

My TBR pile is still humongous. I’m almost finished reading Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris. I’m really liking it so far. After that, I’ll read Passion by Lauren Kate (which I bought last October for my birthday). Yeah, as you can tell my TBR pile hasn’t been touched much lately (LOL). And with Valentine’s Day coming up, I hope my hubby gets me a gift card for books (or a bouquet of books would be kind of flipping awesome).

Have some crazy stuff going on regarding the writing front. Still waiting to hear back on some stuff (eek). I’m leaning toward writing two books at once. I want to get book 2 for My Dad’s a Paranormal Investigator written. I’ve got some research I need to do on it, but I’m hoping to get that underway soon. I also want to work on another book that I have some great ideas for (YA Fantasy). But that’s going to be more of rewrite/overhaul than anything.

Also, have to give props to my girls over at YAFF (Traci, Min, Pen, Vanessa, Jenn, Barb, Rachel, and Kelbian) and also my Non-YAFF writing friends (Angie and Lee) this week for your lovely emails/PM’s etc. You’ve totally been dolls.

I hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend. Try and stay warm!!!!

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Ah, can I just say that I’m SO happy it’s Friday? This week has been filled with non-stop running.  We’re in full fall sports mode with Football and Soccer and the kids have practice like almost every night (but Friday—woohoo). LOL.


Tomorrow we have an out of town football game for my son Chase and we have to be there at 8:45 am.  OMG.  It’s going to be COLD in the morning.  As in I better get some hot cocoa to soak my hands in.  Then we get to go home for a little while and then we’ll head into town for my daughter Erin’s 2:00 pm soccer game. 


In other news in case you’ve been hiding in a cave, VAMPIRE DIARIES IS BACK…OH YEAH.  And Ian Somerhalder is still mega hot. Le sigh.  Last night’s episode was really good. Not only did Elena turn 18 and get to see a very nekkid Damon with water and bubbles glistening on his holy-hella-chest, but we got to see “evil” Stephan in action.


As always, the episode had a fast pace and I so can’t wait until next week.  And guess what else was on last night? Come on, guess?  SECRET CIRCLE…DOUBLE OMG…SQUEEEEEEEEEEE.


Phew, okay, now that I’ve settled down enough.  As some of you know, The Secret Circle was my ABSOLUTE favorite series when I was a teen.  I mean, I reread it every year, that’s how much I love it.  Now, I know the TV show doesn’t follow the books, but let me say, I think I’m going to have another favorite show to watch (hehehe).


Britt Robertson is the perfect Cassie, and while I had my doubts about Thomas Dekker being Adam, he quickly blew me away in last night’s episode.  So did the rest of the cast.  The first show was fast-paced with awesome characters.  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it, but OMG, there is some Cassie/Adam chemistry going on.  I do hope that they’ll explore the Nick angle as well (like they did in the books). 


In yucky news, I was bummed to find out that The Nine Lives of Chloe King got cancelled by ABC Family.  Say what?  GRRRR…finally, a show I could actually watch with my 6th grade daughter and my 7th grade niece that didn’t have tons of sex etc in it and they take it off the air.  My daughter will be devastated because she LOVED that show.  However, I think I’ll let her watchSecret Circle (well at least the first episode).  And I’ll have to buy her the Chloe King book series so she can at least figure out what happens to everyone.


I’m still diligently working on my YA Fantasy Horror.  I’m about ½ done with it and the next chapter is going to be a VERY pivotal one.  Can’t wait to write it and I hope the plot twist surprises my crit partners (LOL).  Need to get my butt in gear and put in some writing time though.


In my TBR pile (or currently reading pile):  Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles (really loving it so far), Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles, Elixir by Hilary Duff, Balefire by Cate Tiernan, and Awakening by P.C. and Kristin Cast.  Oh and I should be getting the ARC for A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies in the mail pretty soon (ooh so can’t wait).


Hope everyone has a FAB weekend!

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Phew! It hasn’t been a crazy 24 hours. Next week, I should have some news of the agenty sort to share (squeeee).  A moment  7 years in the making. So stay tuned for an update…

In other news, yesterday was my anniversary (yay). And my darling of a husband bought me some books. See, he knows me too well (LOL). That’s right. I’d rather have a bouquet of books than flowers (ooh, maybe I should start a business called Bouquet of Books–LOL). He got me Divergent by Veronica Roth, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare, and Sean Griswold’s Head by Lindsey Leavitt. They will be going into my TBR pile which is GINORMOUS right now. I’ve still got 14 books on my shelf that I haven’t got to yet. Although, I am making a dent (LOL).

And can I just say ZOMGDIDYOUSEEVDLASTNIGHT! The writers for the Vampire Diaries show are freakin geniuses. Seriously. Me and my sister were watching it and we had tears people! I love the twist with Elijah, Jenna, and John. Totally made the show. And I’m still trying to figure out what’s going to happen with Damon. Because I LOVE that character. Le sigh.

Tomorrow I’ll be spending most of the day at the soccer fields watching my son Chase and Daughter Erin play. Should be lots of fun. And tonight, I actually get to go home after work. That’s right. NO RUNNING! It’s like a National Holiday or something (snicker). I can’t remember the last time I got to come home before 8:00 pm. Oh. Right. BEFORE soccer got underway.

And that about does it with everything going on in my life. Will check in for sure next week…

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Okay, I’ll totally start with the good news (and no it has nothing to do with Star Wars or The Vampire Diaries—or, well I guess I could totally implement those two subjects. LOL).

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away………

All right, I just signed a book contract with Noble Romance for my YA story Staking Shadows (woohoo). Totally geeked about this story. I wrote it a couple of years ago then shelved it. It’s a post apocalypse w/paranormal elements. And I have to thank my sister for telling me to send it out (LOL). It’s her favorite story of mine. I don’t have all the details yet, but when I do, I’ll definitely post them.

Secondly, the print version of my book My Dad’s a Paranormal Investigator: Seeking Shapeshifters is now out through Amazon (see the sidebar below my book cover for link). Very excited to have an actual physical book that I can touch (too bad it isn’t Damon Salvatore—hehehe).

Third, well, I’m still waiting to hear back on my fulls and partial manuscripts I have out with agents for The Fairy Godmother Files. So hope I get some news soon (crossing fingers/toes).

And now, for the cliché part of this entry. Okay, I’ve been lurking around a lot of contests lately, reading entries, entering some of my own etc. One thing I’ve noticed is a lot of people have mentioned to others to start with more action. Hmmm…I might be in the minority on this, but I understand that first pages should be captivating, but is anyone else noticing the trend of too many books starting in the action? I enjoy a kick-butt scene as much as the next person, but I almost miss getting a chance to feel rooted in the story before all “hell breaks loose”.

I don’t mind getting to know the characters a little bit before they’re thrown against the enemy or have something earth shattering happen to them. I mean, I read the book blurb on the back of the jacket and if it sounds interesting I pick it up. Not for the smash-bang-kabow first 3 pages, but for the entire story. I want to feel invested in the characters/setting/situations/plot. And somehow if every story has to start in the action, I kind of feel like I’m losing that. In my opinion, I almost think the “crazy action” beginnings are becoming cliché. If I grab a book, I will read until I reach the action, it doesn’t have to happen in the first chapter to keep my interest. Now if I get 50-75 pages in, and nothing’s happened, then of course, I might question it. But I like the journey of getting to that action, seeing what builds up to it. Not have the action happen, then go back and explain to me why it happened.

Does anyone else have these same thoughts? Maybe it’s just me. But I love to read, and I don’t mind waiting a few chapters to be introduced to the main conflict.

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Hey everyone, I’m blogging at Totally 4 YA today. Feel free to drop in and say hi! Would love to see you! I’m dicussing friends…

AND ZOMG Did you see VD (Vampire Diaries) last night! Holy CRAP! Can I just say, that Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) is freaking awesome! I had to rewind my DVR just to see him tell Elena that he’d always choose her!! Totally LOVE HIM.

And wow, lots of plot twists again! So can’t wait for next week. I absolutely LOVE THIS SHOW…

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Yes, I’m having a total Star Wars geek moment (LOL).  Today is one of those days where I wish I had Jedi mind powers. Like perhaps make my phone incapable of ringing. Or answer the phone and in my best Obi Wan Kenobi voice say, “I am not the enforcement caseworker you’re looking for.  You can go about your business.”

Or maybe, I could use it to make myself stop checking my email 40,000,000 times to see if I’ve heard back on my partial/full manuscripts out with agents (eek).

On a more realistic note (not that Jedi mind powers aren’t realistic, mind you) soccer season started this week for my kids (during spring break). Spent lots of hours at practice with my kids freezing. Might need to invest in a wookie to keep me warm (hehehe). But it’s fun to watch the teams work hard. Their first games are next weekend, and both of them are away.

And OMG VD is back (the Vampire Diaries TV show, not the disease–hehehe). It was SO SO SO good last night. Every time I thought I had things figured out, they totally threw another twist at me. So crazy. All I can say is that I want Elena and Damon to have their moment. And holy crap on the Alaric/Isabelle twist. Totally didn’t see it coming. I’m so excited for next week to get here so I can watch it! EEEK.

I’m part way through reading Torment by Lauren Kate and am really liking it so far. I think I like it better than Fallen, the 1st book in the series. After this book, I’ll either start Hex Hall or XVI, haven’t decided yet. Decisions, decisions.

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! And here’s hoping I start hearing back on my requested materials (fingers crossed).

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Okay, so as you can tell, I am going through MAD Vampire Diaries withdrawal. I have been stalking  er, following Nina/Ian on twitter to see what’s happening. I know they were shooting scenes with Klaus (OMG). Yeah, so I totally can’t wait.

Not sure why they think it’s right to leave us hanging…seriously. Sigh. Although, I suppose their hiatus has been good in the aspect that I’ve gotten more writing done. Yeah, instead of staring at the smoldery (is that a word?), gorgeous Ian Somerhalder, I’ve been transfixed with my computer screen (totally not the same folks).

In other news (and I’ve got lots). I’ve been querying for TFGF (The Fairy Godmother Files) and have gotten several requests (woohoo). Here’s hoping something good comes of it!

My book trailer also won an honorable mention in The Pen and Muse book trailer contest. SWEET! Not bad for my first trailer…

I’ve also started working on my next book AMTS (yeah another secret code name–they make me feel like a secret agent or something–hehehee).

Oh, and the Columbus Examiner has an interview with me posted in regards to my YA book My Dad’s a Paranormal Investigator: Seeking Shapeshifters (totally awesome). Still can’t get over how well the story has done.

My babies (okay they’re not “baby” babies) will be starting soccer in about a week (yikes). So I’ll be back to extra running for practices/games. But it’s fun as heck to watch. Also have choir/orchestra stuff coming up for them as well. Can you say busy?

I think that about covers all the coolness that’s going on. Now, I must go sulk some more as it’s Thursday and NO VAMPIRE DIARIES!! Maybe I ought to start a support group? Any takers?

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Hey everyone,

Joselyn Vaughn invited me over to her blog for an interview today!  If you get a chance pop on over and say hi–and find out what actor(s) I’d choose to play my characters.

Oh, and for anyone interested, Astraea Press is having a sale on my book this week (50% off). So head on over and check it out (see sidebar for link).

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Phew, it’s been a month, that’s for sure. Between snowstorms, writing, sick kids, book launch, and well, writing (LOL), things have been absolutely crazy. My first YA book My Dad’s a Paranormal Investigator: Seeking Shapeshifters has been doing really good.

I even got fan mail (woohoo). It’s nice to hear that people are enjoying it.

On the writing front, I’m still hacking away at my story TFGF (that’s its codename—hehehe). Only a select few actually know what it stands for. Right now, I’m about 10 chapters from saying finished! So that’s ¾ of the way done. As I write a chapter, I post it to my crit group, so edits will be fast. I’m hoping to have it sent out to betas no later than mid-march. The plot has taken some surprising turns, which I’m enjoying. And thanks to the fabulous Rhonda Stapleton’s crit on my first 3 chapters, I think I’ll add another chapter at the beginning, as well as do some more fleshing out of characters. She also gave me a cool idea for another added element that I can’t wait to play with (rubs hands together like a fiend).

I’m odd and actually enjoy edits, so I look forward to going back through and getting it cleaned up.

On the reading front, I finished reading The Hollow by Jessica Verday. It was an okay read. The front half was kind of slow, but once I got further in, I really enjoyed it. This morning, I started reading Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning (the last book in the fever series). I’m so excited to finally have this one to read!

Tonight is Vampire Diaries, so I doubt I’ll get anything done other than watching the hotness that is Ian Somerhalder smolder on the screen (LOL). It’s one of my favorite shows, which brings me to the next topic. THE SECRET CIRCLE (OMG). My favorite book series as a teen is coming to TV (squeeeee). CW has already okayed the pilot, and according to EW Britt Robertson is being cast as Cassie (the MC). So excited, I can’t even explain it. I’m VERY eager to see who they’ll cast as Adam and Nick. Here’s hoping that the CW keeps the entire coven of witches. They all had such huge roles to play in the books, and I can’t imagine any of them missing from the cast. But we’ll see how they handle things.


I hope everyone else is doing great. And thank you to everyone who purchased/read/won my book! I’ve absolutely LOVED sharing my story with you. Don’t worry, I promise, there will be more to come. Have a book contract in the works (hopefully will receive it any day now) for a different YA series. Then of course, once I finish TFGF and have it back from betas/edits, I’ll be sending that one out to agents. Totally geeked about it.

So that about does it with the updates! Until next time…

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Dear Vampire Diaries,

Why have you abandoned me? Going on hiatus until December. Don’t you know that I will now have two Thursdays free to actually work on my writing or catch up on my TBR pile?

Yet, I am already going through withdrawals. I mean, all I can think about is Damon Salvatore—why won’t Elaina just kiss you already? If she doesn’t want you, then I’ll take you (grins). And Bonnie, what in the heck are you thinking—don’t you dare hook up with that witch (or rather “warlock”), because Jeremy needs someone to love him.

Speaking of Jeremy, why can’t you pick a woman who won’t die or desert you? Seriously, if you need someone to take care of you and love you, well I’d be glad to volunteer (unless of course Damon decides to forget about Elaina).

Stephen, wow, you are certainly earning your title of hotness this season. And I definitely love that smile.

Now, I will have to say goodbye and go sulk.

December cannot come soon enough…

But in the meantime, perhaps I can revisit some of my old favorite vampire movies and books. Because all my shows are deserting me (sniffle). True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Being Human…

Maybe I’ll try and watch The Lost Boys, or Twilight, or Underworld, or Dracula.

I know—it won’t be the same! And so I end this letter, dreaming of December.



P.S. Next time clear this little “break” with me.

P.S.S. I could totally forgive this if maybe Damon (Ian Somerhalder) showed up with a bow on (LOL).

P.S.S.S. Seriously, you could’ve been on TV for Thanksgiving, I would’ve watched.

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