
Posts Tagged ‘ya stories’


So, two weeks from today is my last day of work until August 19th (at the day job). I’m SO SO SO stoked and ready to go on vacation (squeee). We’ll be heading north for our annual camping trip in Fayette. Absolutely love it up there. And I’m so ready for the break. The day job has been killer/stressful lately.

On a side note, I’ve started a new YA contemp (woot-woot) tentatively labeling it HTU (yep, more codenames). It’s a summery type YA and I’m really excited to get rolling with it. I’ve written the first 2 chapters and have jotted down lots of notes for other scenes. Hoping to crank this one out pretty quick before I have to write book 2 for The Legend of Me etc.

Life in the Purdy house has been kind of crazy…we’ve been going to the soccer fields every week (well other than this week because of the heat), swimming, having bonfires—the usual summer stuff. But we’ve also had some other things come up. My son started driver’s training last week. He’s been doing really well. He got his temporary permit yesterday so that means he can drive with me and my hubby. Then he’ll have to take a test in the next couple of weeks to get his other permit. And of course, one of my kidlets had their first broken heart here in the last couple of weeks. So it’s been a little rough. Trying to get through the awkward stuff about them wanting to still be friends (as they started off as friends). So hope it works out!!!

Have so much stuff to do around the house/in preparation for our vacation. I’m already making about a million mental lists (LOL). We’re also out on sub right now with one of my other YA contemps (TRC). Needless to say I’m in a constant state of email checking (hehehe). Other than that, things are going good. Hope everyone is enjoying their summers—it’s been going by pretty quick.

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Welcome again to YAFF Muse: blog rounds. Some of the ladies of YA Fiction Fanatics have come together for YAFF Muse. To have a little fun, explore different styles of writing and to give you some kick-butt shorts to read. Enjoy!

Photo Credit Amber Jade Rain

Photo Credit Amber Jade Rain

My legs burned as I ran down the loading dock. There has to be a ship leaving. I glanced over my shoulder. No one followed me. Yet. But I clutched the microtube to my chest, tears welling in my eyes. You can’t breakdown now. Dad’s gone and if you don’t get your shit together, you will be too.

The last thing Dad told me was to get to Karman 5, where Cestia, my RBF (robot best friend) was at. He’d had enough time to slide his microtube to me, before the laser guns took him out. My stomach churned, remembering the stench of his seared flesh.

Ducking behind a space crane, I noticed the small cargo ship at the end of the ramp. The crew busied themselves loading metal crates onto an orbit-dolly. I slowed my pace, pretending to be a part of the ship’s crew as I grabbed a plastic case and walked up the ramp.

“Where do you want this?” I asked the guy near the door.

He glanced up, emerald eyes meeting mine. A shock of dark hair fell across his forehead as he nodded down the corridor. “Below decks.”

“Thanks.” I managed a weak smile. With a sigh of relief, I walked toward the back of the vessel. But before, I could slip away a hand clamped on my shoulder.

“I don’t recall seeing you on the flight over,” he said.

Shit. I didn’t have time for this. If I didn’t get off this planet, I was dead. It meant, I’d failed my dad. My people. And possibly several planets.

“Um—they had me below decks, keeping an eye on the cargo.”

His eyes narrowed. “Is that so?”

“Yes. God, you’re acting like a cosmic ass.” My pulse thundered in my ears.

His fingers dug into my arm as he ushered me to the underbelly of the ship. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you’re not one of the crew.”

I swallowed hard. Okay, I could drop the case and make a run for it. But, if I did, I knew Melark’s men would catch me. And I’d suffer the same fate as my dad. “Listen, please. I—I’ve got to get out of here. Now.”

“Then you better hire yourself a transport. We don’t take stowaways. And we’re damn sure not a taxi service.”

Desperation clawed at me. “I—I’ll give you anything you want. Just get me to Karman 5.”

“Anything I want?” He grinned. “Don’t think you could afford it.”

A golden curl fell from beneath my helmet, brushing against my cheek. “Try me. I mean, if you’re into sexbots, I’ll buy you one. Or maybe you need a motorship to ride on the Silver Bridgeway.”

“Hey, Macon, you got your shipment loaded or not? I want to take off.” A gray haired man, poked his head down from above. “Seems to be a ruckus starting near the main transport gate.”

He never took his gaze from me. “Yeah, we’re all set. But I’m gonna need you to make an extra stop off at Karman 5.”

“What? That place is a crawling with Melark’s men.”

“Just do as I say.”

“Yes, sir.” The man disappeared.

Macon? Why did that name sound familiar.

Then it dawned on me. “Macon? As in Macon Arndt, General of the Uprising?”

He gave me an uneasy glance. “Who wants to know?”

I dropped the case I’d been holding, and sank against the metal sideboard. “I’m Dasha. Dasha Greenlake.”

“You’re Drake’s daughter?”

A lump formed in my throat as relief flooded through me. “Yes. Melark’s men caught him. That’s why I’m trying to get out of here. If they found out…”

“Shit. He’s dead?”

My lip trembled, but I fought to stay composed. “Yeah.”

“Jenson, get this ship in the air, now.” Macon grabbed my hand and dragged me to the main control area. He ushered me to a seat. “Buckle in.”

He plopped down beside me, while the door sealed shut with a hiss. I fastened my seatbelt, then held tight to the armrest. I so hated flying. And even though we’d lived in space since I was six, I never got used to it.

“Sir, looks like we have a squadron of Melark’s men checking ships on the dock.” Jenson’s voice came over the loud speaker.

“I know. Take off.”

The engines roared to life, and the vessel shook.  “Shields up. Full thrusters engaged.” Jenson shouted orders from the cockpit.

The lights dimmed, then blinked like pulsating stars. Within seconds, we pulled away from the dock. Then we shot forward. The pressure forced my back against my seat. I squeezed my eyes shut.

When we stabilized, Macon’s fingers grazed my hand. “I’m sorry to hear about your dad. He was a good man.”

“Yeah, he was.”

“Were you with him when he died?”

I nodded my head.

“Then he gave you the microtube?”

“Yes. I have to deliver to Karman 5. We have to stop Melark.”

“So this is it? We’ll finally see an end to the terror. ”

“I hope so. My robot, Cestia has been working on Melark’s ship for months now. He’s taken a liking to her.” I cringed, not wanting to think about what the jerk off did with my friend.

“Does she know what’ll happen?” He squeezed my hand.

Warmth coursed through me. I cleared my throat. “She does. I wish there was another way.”

“Trust me, there’s not. Your dad and I have tried to infiltrate Melark’s main ship and planet for the last couple years.”

I sighed. “I know.”

But it was hard to cope with. Knowing the only way to bring Melark down, meant sending my best friend to their death. Even if she was only an android.

“Listen, you need to change before we arrive at the docking bay.”

I glanced down at my ragged gray uniform. Blood stained the arm and chest of it, where I’d held Dad against me. “I didn’t bring anything else.”

“We’ve got something below decks. Come with me.”

We made our way to the back of the ship, where Macon rummaged through a couple plastic crates. At last, he pulled out a long white robe, a gold belt, and a diadem. He left me long enough to change, then escorted me back to my chair.

After several hours, Jenson’s voice came over the intercom. “We’re approaching Karman 5. We’ll be docking in five minutes.”

Nausea coursed through me. I just had to make it past security and find Cestia. I took a deep breath and wiped my sweaty hands on my robe.

“Don’t be nervous. Just follow my lead,” Macon said as the ship slowed, spun sideways, and landed.

Once the vessel docked, the door opened with a low hiss. Macon offered me his arm and ushered me to the main hub of Karman 5, Melark’s space station. People, androids, and aliens bustled along the conveyor, which went into the Market District.

I kept close to Macon as we pushed through the crowds. Soon we came to the security checkpoint, manned by a T300 android.

“State your names and business,” the robotic voice asked.

Crap, you couldn’t give a fake name here. These droids could do a mind scan if they thought you lied.

“This is Dasha, and I’m Gen.” Macon smiled. “We’re here to retrieve the other half of her engagement band. Her father gave me his blessing, now we must get her mother’s.” He held up a golden clasp.

My heart leapt into my throat. Oh. My. Stars. He had my actual band. The familiar looping roses and vines, glittered beneath the violet lighting. Did dad really give it to him?

The android, glanced at the jewelry then at us. After a moment, he waved us through. No questions asked. I suppose it had to do with a lot of couples coming to Karman 5 to tie the knot. The space version of Las Vegas.

“Where are you supposed to find Cestia?” Macon said.

“Near the Golden Net.”

“Follow me, it’s on the other side of the alley.” He clutched my hand.

“How exactly did you get my band?” I glanced at him.

He grinned. “Uh—your dad gave it to me about six months ago. Believe it or not, he’d been meaning to introduce us.”

“So we’re intended?” My cheeks went hot.

He gave my fingers a squeeze. “Is that a bad thing?”


At last, I spotted the Golden Net, hanging from the ceiling, overlooking the space docks. And there, perched on top of it, was Cestia. Even from here her new golden shell and blonde hair glittered. As if sensing me, she turned toward me.

I wanted to rush to her, but I couldn’t make a scene.

“Cestia,” I said, stopped in front of her.

Her lips turned up in a smile, revealing her golden, metallic teeth. “Dear One, you’ve come.”

Tears burned my eyes. “Yes.”

“Then your father has passed?”

“He has.”

“And you’ve brought the microtube with you?” She looked at Macon over my head as if sizing him up.

“It’s here.” I slipped it from the sleeve of my robe and leaned in as if to hug her. I heard a small pop, and the grind of gears as the slot in her back opened up.

“Go ahead, Dasha, insert the microtube. It’s time.”

“But it’ll kill you.”

“And I’m ready to die. It’s what I was created for.”

“But I’ll be alone.”

Her metal hand rubbed my hair. “Nonsense. Macon will take care of you. In fact,” she pulled back, and grabbed something from her white purse and closed my hand around it. “This is for you. Your father and I both approve.”

I glanced down to find the other half of my engagement band. Macon moved behind me, placing his palm at the small of my back. “Melark’s guards are on the move. We need to hurry.”

Cestia touched my face. “Be safe, Dear One. Please, insert the microtube—then get out of here as quick as you can.”

“Is Melark here?”

This time she grinned. “Oh yes, I made sure of it.”

I swallowed hard and shoved the tube into her back. With one last hug, I turned away. Cestia was a walking time bomb. Literally. We had thirty minutes before she ignited this whole place.

Macon jerked me down the corridor and back toward the ship. My pulse sped out of control as we made it through the security checkpoints unscathed.

“Jenson, get this ship in the air. We’re on a time crunch.” Macon plopped back in his seat then reached across the aisle. He took my piece of the engagement band from me and secured it to my wrist, along with the section he had from my dad. “Cestia is right, Dasha, you won’t ever be alone. Your father intended you for me, and I plan to honor that.”

I brought his hand to my lips. “Thank you.”

As our ship jumped to hyperspace, I knew things would be okay. Melark’s reign of terror was over.  And the Uprising would continue to protect its people. Cestia and Dad’s sacrifices would not be in vain.

Thanks for coming by. Please be sure to drop by my fellow YAFFers blogs and don’t forget to leave a comment.

Traci Kenworth

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OMG, check out the FAB cover for DEAR CASSIE by Lisa Burstein:

Dear Cassie cover

DEAR CASSIE official Blurb:

What if the last place you should fall in love is the first place that you do?

You’d think getting sent to Turning Pines Wilderness Camp for a month-long rehabilitation “retreat” and being forced to re-live it in this journal would be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.

You’d be wrong.

There’s the reason I was sent to Turning Pines in the first place: I got arrested. On prom night. With my two best friends, who I haven’t talked to since and probably never will again. And then there’s the real reason I was sent here. The thing I can’t talk about with the guy I can’t even think about.

What if the moment you’ve closed yourself off is the moment you start to break open?                                                                                                                                 

But there’s this guy here. Ben. And the more I swear he won’t—he can’t—the deeper under my skin he’s getting. After the thing that happened, I promised I’d never fall for another boy’s lies.

And yet I can’t help but wonder…what if?



DEAR CASSIE excerpt:

We kept walking on the lake trail, the bullfrogs croaking. There was also a humming in my ears from the nicotine.

It could only be from the nicotine. It had nothing to do with being outside, at night, alone with Ben. It had nothing to do with Ben coming to the cabin and taking me instead of Nez and it definitely had nothing to do with the stars above us shining like they were the sky’s tiara.

I stopped on the trail and looked up, taking them in, when all of a sudden bright colored lights exploded in the sky—fireworks, one after another, on top of each other, huge kaleidoscopes of light, like sparkling rainbow spiders.

“How did you know?” I asked, my voice going softer, like if I talked too loudly they would stop. It was so beautiful, after weeks of so much ugly.

Ben turned to look at me, the colored lights in the sky turning his skin pink, blue, green. “I’m magic.” He shrugged.

I geared up to tell him to fuck off, because that was some corny-ass shit, but then I realized that he really kind of was. In that moment he was able to actually make me forget being me.

“I would try to kiss you,” he said, “but I’m afraid you’d kick me in the balls.”

“I probably would.” I laughed, the sky filling with noisy color like paint launching from a giant popcorn popper. “But like I said, it wouldn’t be about you.”

“I guess I’ll have to figure out how to make it about me,” he said, taking off his boots and socks and standing. “Come on.”

“There is no way I am getting near that water again,” I said.

“I’ll make sure nothing happens to you,” he said, holding his hand out to help me up.

            I looked at his palm, open, waiting, just wanting to hold mine. For once, I didn’t think about anything except that there was a cute, sweet, smart-ass boy standing in front of me with his hand out.

I pulled off my boots and socks and took it.

We stood at the lakeshore, our hands still clasped, the water licking our feet, fireworks decorating the sky.

I turned to him. He was looking up, his mouth open in wonder like he was trying to swallow the moment.

It was definitely one worth keeping.

DEAR CASSIE pre-buy links:

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13628374-dear-cassie

The Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.com/Dear-Cassie-Lisa-Burstein/9781620612545

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dear-Cassie-Lisa-Burstein/dp/1620612542/

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dear-cassie-lisa-burstein/1113610316


Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13375237-pretty-amy

Powells: http://www.powells.com/biblio/62-9781620611197-0

The Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.com/Pretty-Amy-Lisa-Burstein/9781620611197

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Pretty-Amy-Lisa-Burstein/dp/1620611198/

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/pretty-amy-lisa-burstein/1108930786


Lisa Burstein is a tea seller by day and a writer by night. She received her MFA in Fiction from the Inland Northwest Center for Writers at Eastern Washington University. She lives in Portland, OR, with her very patient husband, a neurotic dog and two cats. Dear Cassie is her second novel.

Additional links to Lisa’s pages:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#%21/LisaBurstein

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaBursteinAuthor

Website: http://www.lisaburstein.com

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OMG, I So So SOOOOO, can’t wait to read this book–it looks so cute: The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller releases on May 7, 2013


On the outside, seventeen-year-old Madelyne Summers looks like your typical blond cheerleader—perky, popular, and dating the star quarterback. But inside, Maddie spends more time agonizing over what will happen in the next issue of her favorite comic book than planning pep rallies with her squad. That she’s a nerd hiding in a popular girl’s body isn’t just unknown, it’s anti-known. And she needs to keep it that way.

Summer is the only time Maddie lets her real self out to play, but when she slips up and the adorkable guy behind the local comic shop’s counter uncovers her secret, she’s busted. Before she can shake a pom-pom, Maddie’s whisked into Logan’s world of comic conventions, live-action role-playing, and first-person-shooter video games. And she loves it. But the more she denies who she really is, the deeper her lies become…and the more she risks losing Logan forever.

Born and raised in northern Louisiana, Leah Rae Miller still lives there on a windy hill with her husband and kids. She loves comic books, lava lamps, fuzzy socks, and Cherry Coke. She spends most of her days reading things she likes and writing things she hopes other people will like.

Pre-order Links:


BN.com- http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-summer-i-became-a-nerd-leah-rae-miller/1113610315

Here are a few ways to keep up with Leah:

Goodreads- http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/14744489-the-summer-i-became-a-nerd

Twitter- https://twitter.com/LeahR_Miller

Website/blog- http://leahraemillerblog.blogspot.com/

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Oh, this is SO freaking awesome! I got an email today indicating that my book The Fairy Godmother Files: Cinderella Complex received a CTRR Award! SQUEEEEEE…

Thanks so much to Margo from Coffee Time Romance & More for nominating me and for giving me this award. It means so much. What is a CTRR Award? Margo said: “This award recognizes outstanding writing styles in all book types and genres. Your book has received this award because I feel it is above and beyond a 5 Cup Rating.”

The review

The Award

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Welcome again to YAFF Muse: blog rounds. The ladies of YA Fiction Fanatics have come together for YAFF Muse. To have a little fun, explore different styles of writing and to give you some kick-butt shorts to read. Enjoy!

Photo Credit: Gingerkrick from wikimedia commons


We ducked behind the twisted metal of what was left of an old station wagon. Ace grabbed my hand, jerking me toward the alley.

 “Come on Rina, you need to move, now.” He shoved me into the shadows right as flares erupted overhead, lighting the whole street.

 “There’s nowhere to hide. They’ll find us.” I swallowed hard. Today was Blood’s Day. A day we were forced to celebrate and give to those who’d allowed us to live.

 It’d been seven years since the world had been punished—nearly obliterated. Or so the Grand Mayor said. But I didn’t remember anything, other than the moment Ace found me six years ago. Everything before that was lost. I had no family. No home. Nothing. Hell, I didn’t even remember my own name. So Ace gave me one. Rina.

 Screams echoed off the crumbled buildings as people ran, trying to hide from the soldiers. No one ever came to this side of town, until they needed something. Or rather, someone. We all knew what they came for and none of us wanted to give it willingly.

 “Damn it, Rina, move your ass.” Ace ducked inside the remnants of the cinema. His grip on my arm tightened as we dove behind the rows of dilapidated cinema seats.

 Dust kicked up like we’d been sucked inside a vacuum, and the loud whir of helicopter blades sounded from above.

 Bright light exploded. I covered my face to shield my eyes. But it was too late. A man repelled down a rope, snagging hold of me.

 “Ace,” I screamed. The last thing I saw were his startled blue eyes as I was ripped into the air. “Let me go.” My foot connected with my captor’s shin, but he held tight like a coiled snake constricting its victim.

 “Stop thrashing or I’ll drop you right here.” The soldier warned.

 The chopper carried us a short distance, where a wooden platform stood erected near several white tents. Fear ensnared me like a giant bear trap. This was it. We landed several feet from the stage and two armed guards immediately met me.

 They ushered me under one of the canopies.

 “Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?” a woman with white cotton ball like hair said. “Such an honor to be chosen.”

 My jaw clenched. “Chosen? I wasn’t chosen, I was stolen. I don’t want to do this.”

“Come now. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

 Then maybe you should go in my place you rich piece of crap. The words rolled around my thoughts like marbles.

 The guards raised their guns. I closed my eyes, sucked in a deep breath, and followed the woman. She showed me to a steaming wooden tub.

 “Get those grimy clothes off and I’ll have Greta come give you a good washing. We don’t have much time, it’s nearly midnight.”

 My fingers trembled as I unbuttoned the baggy shirt and tight pants, they fell to the floor in a heap. Hands shoved me from behind, until I stumbled into the scalding water. It burned my skin and I yelped.

 “Sit down,” another woman, Greta, I think, said. “Can’t having you look like vermin in front of the Gods.”

 I wanted to tell her to go to hell and to take her fake Gods with her. Every year the Grand Mayor ordered young women to be taken from the city and brought here. He made a celebration of death, while everyone cheered and partied and carried on as if this was a joke. And every year, the Gods ignored the gifts—we still suffered and the Grand Mayor still controlled everything. Well, everything but the Labyrinth.

 Strong hands forced me down, dunking me under the fiery hot liquid. I couldn’t breathe. She’s drowning me. My lungs burned. Bubbles rippled in my vision.

 At last she jerked me upward, scrubbing at my head, face, and back with a thick brush. Tears ran down my cheeks as the bristles dug into my skin. Any moment now, I expected to see my flesh come away or spatterings of blood in the tub.

 “Hurry Greta, they’re almost ready,” the other woman called.

 Arms the size of tree branches hefted me from the bath and rubbed me dry. “Here, put this on.”

 I was handed a long white robe. My stomach churned. I reached forward to steady myself on a nearby chair. The Blood’s Day girls always wore white. So the whole village could see us bleed.

 Trumpets sang in the distance and cheers from the plaza nearly deafened me.

 “Ah, so here is our little flower.” The Grand Mayor parted the flaps of the tent; his beady eyes rested on my legs, which were visible beneath the sheer fabric of the robe. “You should hold your head high this day.”

 He reached a meaty paw out to caress my face.

 “Burn. In. Hell.” I spat.

 His eyes narrowed. “Take her to the Labyrinth’s center.”

 Guards dragged me forward, the stones scraping my legs as I fought to free myself. When the spectators saw me, they cheered louder—whooping and hollering. My gaze drifted over the gathered crowd. Mothers held tight to their daughters, relief flooding their features, for their children were safe for another year.


 My head snapped up. Ace pushed his way through the throng of people. Shaggy dark hair fell across his forehead nearly hiding the piercing blue eyes I’d grown so accustomed to. Even with dirt smudged across his face, he was perfect. Strong. Beautiful. And I’d never get the chance to tell him.

 “Ace.” My fingers brushed his before the guards pinned him to the ground, keeping him from me. My throat thickened with emotion. Sorrow washed over me. I love you. And I’d die to keep you safe.

 Two other girls were rushed through the center of the chaos both adorned in white, like me. One cried, clutching tight to a gold chain at her neck. The other marched forward on her own, no resistance at all as if she was proud to give herself over to this madness.

 We were ushered to the middle of the Labyrinth like stones. The Grand Mayor tapped on a microphone, taking his place at the raised podium.

 “Good people of New Virginia Beach. Today is a special day for us. A day we celebrate and offer blood unto the gods. We ask only for their continued blessings. And for the opening of the powerful Labyrinth, which will grant us what it is we seek.”

 Three of the guards stepped toward us each armed with a ceremonial dagger.

 “Which of our Blood Girls offers first blood?” The Grand Mayor’s toothy grin reminded me of a hungry monster.

 “Me,” the proud girl said.

 “Very well.” He gestured for the soldier to proceed.

 I turned my head, but as the crowd quieted I heard the first slice of flesh then felt the spray of blood on my own skin. My stomach rolled, but the onlookers hollered their approval.

 “Thank you for your sacrifice Milicent Wendell,” the Grand Mayor said. “But she is not the one. Next girl please.”

 The girl with the necklace shrieked even before the knife made contact. I have to get out of here. I can’t die, not like this. Help me. Please.

 More agonizing yelps sounded, drowning out all other noises. My heart pounded and I kicked out my legs, knocking one of the guards to the ground. It was fight or die. My mouth clamped down on my captor’s arm. He released me and I leapt over the bodies of the fallen girls, blood already pooling around the Labyrinth like tiny rivers.

 Crimson fluid splashed against my legs as I tried to run.

 “Rina, now is the time to remember,” Ace shouted. He shoved aside the armed soldier who’d held him at bay only moments ago. With a sickening crack, he broke the guys neck.

 Remember what?

 “Remember us.” Voices sprung up from the stones beneath my feet. “Come home my daughter.”

 The ground rumbled causing people to fall to their knees. The moon turned red, casting scarlet shadows on the surrounding buildings and faces At last, Ace reached my side, clutching me tight. The Labyrinth sprung up around us. Air whooshed and thunder boomed. Painful howls and shrieks spiraled from outside our protective wall.

 “What’s happening?” I clung to Ace, burying my face against him.

 “You’re going home, Goddess. You’re job here is done.” Ace’s dirty rags fell away to reveal bronze armor beneath. He clutched a sword in his hand. “The people have been punished. And after the Grand Mayor’s death today, no one shall be sacrificed again.”

 “Goddess?” I whispered. Then I remembered all.

 The light. My arrival to Earth. The battles. The deaths. And now, it was over. I could go home. Ace held tight to my hand and we stepped into the light.

Thanks for coming by. Please be sure to drop by my fellow YAFFers blogs and don’t forget to leave a comment.

Vanessa Barger

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First of all I wanted to share another lovely review I got on The Fairy Godmother Files: Cinderella Complex (my readers are seriously awesome and lovely and perfect).  So if you get a chance stop over and check it out at Scribblesonthebackofjanuary.

Secondly, it’s FRIDAY and I’m totally bored (LOL). So, I’m going to have a little giveaway. The prize? All 3 of my books (in ebook format/PDF) for The Fairy Godmother Files: Cinderella Complex, Staking Shadows, and My Dad’s a Paranormal Investigator: Seeking Shapeshifters plus 2 signed bookmarks and a  trading card.

All you have to do is leave a comment (make sure to include your email address so I can let you know if you’ve won). Simple as that. I’ll pick the winner at 5:00 pm EST today, May 25, 2012 (see you don’t even have a long wait). That’ll give you something to read over the weekend.

And if you do win and read the book feel free to leave a review on any of your favorite book sites (good or bad–smiles).

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Welcome again to YAFF Muse: blog rounds. The ladies of YA Fiction Fanatics have come together for YAFF Muse. To have a little fun, explore different styles of writing and to give you some kick-butt shorts to read. Enjoy!



“C’mon, Dara. Trust me, you want to see this.” Cal Carruthers rushed ahead of me, the setting sun making his auburn hair look like it was on fire.

He dashed into the shadowy crevices between the trees and boulders. I sighed. The whole day was like a dream come true. I mean, in what world did the hotness that is Cal Carruthers ask a band geek like me on a picnic?

I stepped over a moss covered log, my long hair blowing into my face.

“So how much further is this place?” I called.

Leaves crunched under my feet as I made my way deeper into the woodland. Silence enveloped me. The birds had stopped chirping and I didn’t hear Cal’s footsteps any longer.


The stench of rotten wood and moist earth assaulted me. I wrinkled my nose. My eyes scanned the thick canopies above me, daylight fading fast.

“We’re almost there.” Cal poked his head out of the brush, nearly causing me a heart attack.

“You scared the crap out of me.” I sucked in a deep breath, trying to get my pulse back to normal.

He reached for my hand, his fingers entwining mine. “Sorry.”

His brilliant smile practically blinded me. “It’s okay.”

Dang straight it was okay. I mean, this was Cal Carruthers. He could do anything to me and it’d be okay. Like kiss me. Or hold me. Or well anything.

He grinned as if hearing my thoughts and tugged me along behind him. After a few more minutes we came to stop in front of a large, stone structure. It was covered with moss and reminded me of a large hive.

“What is this place?” A cold wind picked up my hair, sending chills down my neck. Forest debris blew across the forest floor as if trying to run away.

“Some place special.” Cal’s eyes darkened and a low humming reverberated around us.

I gasped as tiny winged creatures darted from the hive. Fairies. No way. This wasn’t real. I took a step back, but Cal caught hold of me, cementing me in place.

The fairies flickered in and out of the trees like sparkling Christmas lights, their wings beating behind them. They looked so celestial. So beautiful.

One flew closer to me and landed on my arm. It cocked its head to the side then lowered its head.

“Ow! It bit me.” I shrieked, trying to get the creature off me.

“Of course they did. They’re hungry Dara. Hungry for blood. Your blood.”

I staggered backward. “No. This isn’t possible.”

“Come my sweets. Dinner has arrived.” Cal waved his hands in the air. At once, thousands of vampiric fairies were upon me.

Teeth nipped and gnawed at my flesh. The beings swarmed me, covering me like a heavy net until I fell to the ground. Pain erupted in my veins. They pulled at my hair and my skin. Biting and sucking. I wanted to scream, but the fairies covered my face, muffling me.

And Cal stood there. Watching. Waiting for me to die. My dream come true had turned into a nightmare. A nightmare, I’d never escape.

Thanks for coming by. Please be sure to drop by my fellow YAFFers blogs and don’t forget to leave a comment.

Traci Kenworth

Vanessa Barger

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Since my publisher has the book blurb up under the “coming soon” portion, I’ve decided it’s safe to share (LOL).


Sixteen-year-old Maggie Winters can’t think of anything more exciting than junior year. There’s her first prom to look forward to, she can drive, and most important Connor Prince has finally noticed her. But unfortunately so has the school snob, Katrina Melville, who goes out of her way to make Maggie’s life a living hell. If that’s not enough, Maggie’s grandma has decided to retire, which doesn’t seem like such a big deal. That is until she finds out her grandma is a Fairy Godmother, and not just any Fairy Godmother. The Fairy Godmother, as in Cinderella, pumpkins, and mice. And she has informed Maggie that she’s next in line to become the new Fairy Godmother.

At first Maggie is excited, the whole getting wings, flying (or rather trying not to crash), and a wand that lets her grant wishes. It’s like being a superhero, without all the action, explosions, and spandex. Then she gets her first assignment, Katrina Melville, her nemesis. And if that doesn’t make her want to poof herself into oblivion, she finds out that part of Katrina’s happily-ever-after is Connor Prince. Life is so unfair. Even worse, she can’t tell her two best friends about any of it and they’re getting sick of her disappearing acts. Then there are the dangerous creatures, called Grimms who will stop at nothing to keep the happy endings from being fulfilled, even if it means destroying the Fairy Godmother responsible. With time running out, Maggie has to make this wish come true or it will ruin the fates of everyone involved, and open the world to darkness beyond imagination. Maggie will soon find out what it truly means to be a Fairy Godmother—and it isn’t all about princes, gowns, and wings, but something much more.

Only a few more weeks until it’s release! So excited to share it with everyone! Seriously, this book has been a couple years in the making.

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Welcome again to YAFF Muse: blog rounds. The ladies of YA Fiction Fanatics have come together for YAFF Muse. To have a little fun, explore different styles of writing and to give you some kick-butt shorts to read. Enjoy!


Photo Credit Clarita from Morguefile.com


My heels clicked on the sidewalk as I ducked into an alcove outside the antique shop. Please don’t let Kelly notice, I’ve left. If I had to hear about Rafe or Pierre or Beau or any other French guy, I’d scream.

Paris was supposed to be this epic adventure for me. Touring the Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, Notre Dame, not to mention all the museums I’d wanted to visit.  Then Aunt Silvia decided to invite my cousin Kelly along. So instead of visiting historic places I’d dreamt of since I was like ten, I spent every waking moment chasing college guys with accents. Not that I didn’t find the guys hot, but I so wasn’t here for that.

The bell above the door jingled as I entered, the scent of old books and wood overwhelmed me. Shelves filled with china glassware, crystal, jewelry, and trinkets reached to the ceilings. Centuries’ old furniture lined the walls, while garments hung from hangers swaying like ghosts from the past.

“Beautiful,” I whispered, running my hand over a carved cherry jewelry box, with pearl insets. My body thrummed as if I’d come home.

Wooden planks creaked beneath my footsteps and I made my way further into the shop, away from the windows. The light dimmed, casting shadows across the floor at my feet. A cool draft snaked down the neck of my coat and I pulled my collar tighter.

I scanned the shelves, when a snow globe caught my eye. Curious, I picked it up. It was heavier than I imagined, the base made of white oak, a glass sphere on top. Inside was a tiny version of Paris, the Eiffel Tower distorted in the center.

My fingers brushed against a tiny key like knob at the bottom. I wound it up and music tinkled eerily from it.

“Hello, can I help you?” a masculine voice said from behind me.

I fumbled with the souvenir, almost dropping it. “No. I’m just looking.”

My gaze shifted to a pair of mahogany eyes, nearly hidden beneath floppy dark bangs. My breath caught in my throat. As a chiseled face gave way to a perfect smile.

He chuckled. “For a moment, I thought you might be hiding from someone. The way you dashed in here.”

Heat fluttered across my chin and I knew without even looking, my face was a lovely shade of strawberry. “It’s a long story.”

“I’m Antoine, the owner of the shop.”


His smile widened. “An American. You must be here on vacation.”

I laughed. “That’s debatable. I’ve done very little sightseeing.”

“And why’s that?”

Without hesitating, I gave him the abridged version of Kelly. It’s like I had no off button.

When I finished, Antoine patted my hand. “Don’t worry, by day’s end, I promise, you’ll see the city of love. Up close and personal.”

Just then the door burst open and Kelly rushed in. “There you are. Shit, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Pierre invited us to this party tonight. I told him we’d be there. And get this, he’s totally gonna hook you up with one of his friends.”

“Sorry, Kyra has plans.” Antoine stepped between us.

She stared at me. “Don’t ruin this for me. Please. Pierre’s friend is expecting the ‘blonde with big tits’.”

Sometimes I totally hated her. Why did she have to embarrass me in front of Antoine? Besides, I didn’t want to spend the night being fondled by some overeager jerk.

“I’m not going. You’ve dragged me around every day this week. Tonight, is for me.” I crossed my arms at my chest.

“Fine. Then I’m calling Aunt Silvia.” She slid her cell from her pocket, her long chestnut hair falling in her face.

Antoine leaned closer to me, his breath warm on my cheek. “All you have to do is make a wish and I’ll take care of everything.”

My pulse soared, thundering in my ears like battle drums. If only it was that easy.

But it is.  A voice sounded in my head.

“I wish she’d just disappear,” I said.

Swirling fog snaked up through the floorboards. Antiques rattled on the shelves as if an earthquake rumbled the earth’s core. The lights flickered until the room was drenched in darkness.

Kelly screamed and I reached for my cousin, but grasped nothing but air.

“Kelly?” My voice wavered. What happened?

“Shhh…just hold still.” Antoine grabbed hold of my waist, nestling me against him.

Then all went quiet. Moments later the lights came back on. She was gone.

“Oh God. Where is she?” My eyes widened as I spun to face Antoine.

“Don’t worry, she’s safe.” He took the snow globe from me and pointed inside.

Holy crap. There, standing next to the distorted backdrop was a tiny Kelly. She waved frantically.

“How did you do that?” I glanced at Antoine.

He laughed. “Magic. So, what do you say? Want to see Paris?”

I stared that the souvenir once more and smiled, giving it a firm shake. “Absolutely.”

Thanks for coming by. Please be sure to drop by my fellow YAFFers blogs and don’t forget to leave a comment.

Traci Kenworth

Vanessa Barger

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